Tripod of Success

The co-operative is like a clay pot that is on a strong tripod, but if the tripod is not sturdy, it will crumble.

In our co-operative, this tripod indicates how stable our co-operative is, and this is made up of the following:

  1. Knowledge of the Co-ops Vision, Mission and Goals (VMG)
    -The VMG should be clear to its leaders because these serve as their guide in fulfilling their duties.
  1. Adherence to Co-op Philosophy, Values & Principles
    -Genuine obedience to co-op values and principles. There should however be a good balance between social and economic initiatives, realizing a reasonable profit while inculcating co-op values and principles.
  1. Leadership by Example
    -Practice what we preach. Possess good moral character. Actively participate in important events and undertakings of the co-operative (providing constructive criticisms and suggestions).
  1. Commitment and Dedication
    -Strongly advocate and practice the true spirit of volunteerism. Leaders graciously volunteer without expecting any material reward or benefit.
  1. Ethics or Propriety (Delicadeza)
    -A volunteer’s integrity is put to a test as he strives to refrain from using his position for any vested interest.
  1. Bottom-up Principle
    -Experience has shown us that a co-operative’s growth process emanates from the bottom and goes upwards. One example is Principle No. 2: Democratic Member Control.
  1. Receptive to Change
    -Leaders readily adapt to current situations like the use of modern technology, for instance. Transfer of knowledge is in accord with their actions.


  1. Transparency
    -Our records and financial status are open to all members because they are the acknowledged owners who have every right to know our financial standing.
  1. Honesty
    -We explain our Financial Statement up to the last centavo. We encourage our members to ask questions to get rid of any lingering doubts.
  1. Correct Recording
    -Our records should always be accurate. Otherwise, erroneous data result in misguided or unwise Board decisions and actions.
  1. Receptive to Change
    -We continuously seek to gain knowledge using modern technology such as computerization.
  1. Concern for Staff Development
    -In order for the employees to be consistently effective, they should be sent to seminars and training.
  1. Going the Extra Mile
    -Employees serve over and beyond what are expected of them as indicated in their job descriptions.
  1. Practicing the 3 F’s
    -Friendly, Fair, and Firm. Employees should be treated fairly. We should always be friendly when dealing with our members (always wear a smile on one’s face). We should firm in our decisions and beliefs.
  1. Attend Meetings
    -One of the important duties of a member is to attend meetings. In doing so, he participates and gives suggestions.
  1. Criticize Constructively
    -Give out criticisms and meaningful suggestions.
  1. Give Suggestions
    -In attending meetings, members may give suggestions to help the organization.
  1. Vote for the “Right Leaders”
    -Vote for the leaders, not based solely on popularity. Leaders must possess the AWIT characteristics (Ability, Willingness, Integrity, and Time).
  1. Patronize Services
    -It is every members’ duty and responsibility to patronize our services. Otherwise, no net savings will be realized. If a cooperative does not earn any revenue, it will not be able to pay for its expenses and improve on its services.
  1. Fulfill Duties and Responsibilities
    -Members of the management team should fulfill their duties and exercise their rights.
  1. Vigilant
    -This is one of the most important duties. Remember: We are not just members but owners of the co-op. We must be vigilant of our environment to protect our G-given wealth.

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